Here's how you can help

Support The Mission

There are several ways that you can support the Awaken Warrior mission. We would greatly appreciate your help!

Spread the Word
Collaborate or Volunteer
Coming soon

Support this mission


Please help us spread the word about through your social media outlets to your friends and family. Let's do this!

Support this mission


If God is leading you to support us by strengthening our efforts, we would greatly appreciate your prayers, especially in the following areas:

  • We are truly His ambassadors… but we are human. Pray that we continue to seek God’s will and that we humbly walk whatever path he lays out for us.  Pray that God continues to bless the ministry with His presence.  We can do nothing of significance without Him.
  • There are still millions of warriors that need Jesus.  Pray that God readies their hearts and opens their minds to His truth.  Pray that the enemy’s schemes fall short and that their eyes are opened to their prison of deception.
  • We imagine that the enemy is not happy about being exposed like this.  Pray for God’s covering hand of protection over the Awaken Warrior division of the Kingdom Army.  Pray we operate as much as possible under the enemy’s radar.
  • The vision God has shared with us WILL come to pass but the faster we are supported in prayer, joined by others to collaborate with us, and supported financially… the sooner we can reach out even more aggressively.  Pray that hearts are moved to join the cause.  Pray that awakened warriors spread the word.  

Thank you so much! May the Lord bless and keep you.

All glory be to Jesus!  To whom every knee shall bow.

Support this mission

Collaborate or Volunteer

If Holy Spirit has you fired up and you want to join us in our mission, whether it’s collaborating with us on a project or volunteering your time and talents (like these guys did), let’s talk. This is not an army of one, nor of 10, but many!


Currently seeking help with:

  • merchandise design
  • artwork/ illustration
  • writing
  • web research
  • marketing
  • ...and more


Has God given you a platform? Maybe positioned you for such a time as this? To help us reach warriors for Jesus? Please reach out and make a massive impact.

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