About us

Who is Awaken Warrior?

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Our Mission

to MAKE KNOWN our WORTHY, fierce, all-powerful king jesus to those god gave a warrior spirit



  • The real (even though invisible) spiritual warzone they live in
  • The God who lovingly and uniquely created each of them for such a time as this
  • The King who sacrificed everything to set them free, who now calls them to follow Him into battle
  • An enemy manipulating mankind (including them) from the shadows

For christians (active in their faith or not) whose inner warrior isn't engaged:

  • Wake up their inner warrior
  • Set it on fire

Provide the Biblically-based fundamentals a new soldier needs:

  • Boot camp
  • Resource recommendations

Our Motivation

We need him, and we know others do too

  • We are disgusted to see Jesus branded a pacifist and the life of a Jesus-follower portrayed as weak, soft, or boring
  • We are saddened that people wrongly see Father God as distant, uncaring, angry at, or disappointed in them
  • We are sick and tired of seeing our friends and family under attack because they don't even know about the supernatural enemy stalking them
  • We are encouraged to see the Holy Spirit doing a new thing to invite the lion-hearted, the warrior-spirited, into God’s family (expanding the Kingdom)
  • We are a group of warriors that have awakened to God's Truth... and now seek to work with God to free others

Our Core Scripture

“For the weapons of our warfare are not of the natural world, but supernatural, energized with divine power to destroy spiritual strongholds. We demolish every false argument and deceptive fantasy, and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God.”

2 Corinthians 10:4-5

Our Approach

direct, honoring, & personal

  1. Fierce.
    Passionate and bold (just like Jesus). Following Christ is NOT about domesticated religion.
  2. Inspiring.
    Prophesy the uniquely personal destiny God has for each warrior - their purpose revealed.
  3. Direct.
    God’s Truth isn’t relative.  We tell it like it is.  No sell-job.  No sugar-coating. No pressure; but a sense of urgency. 
  4. Gritty.
    The journey isn't easy, the battleground is messy, and we're all a work in progress. We don’t do fluffy.
  5. Respectful.
    It’s your life. God values free will and so do we. Seeing yourself how God sees you though changes everything.

Our Creed

Rak Chazak Amats

"Rak Chazak Amats" was an ancient Hebrew war cry that basically translates in English to "be audaciously strong and courageous for God is with us." It's the mindset we'd like you to have when you read the creed.

The Awaken Warrior Creed highlights what the life of a warrior in God’s Kingdom should look like. Even though you might not yet understand parts of what it says, pray God gives you insight on it as you speak it out loud. If nothing else, it’s prophesying God’s Truth over your future. Check out the Bible links to see the scripture referenced.

I am a mighty warrior of God, the Alpha and the Omega! Jesus is my King, my Savior, and my friend! I have been adopted into His family, His army… and I am not alone.

Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual darkness! We will be strong in the Lord and his mighty power!  (ref Eph 6:10,12)

We fight the good fight, finish strong, and keep the faith through every battle - warring against the devil’s schemes equipped in the full armor of God: belt, breastplate, boots, shield, helmet, sword, and power. (ref Eph 6:11,13-18, 2Tim 4:7-8)

We pursue righteousness, Godliness, faith, love, endurance, and self-control… rather than what the world has to offer. We love not our lives, even unto death, overcoming the enemy by the blood of Jesus and our testimony! (ref 1Tim 6:11, Tit 2:11-12, Rev 12:11)

We remember the Lord, who is great and glorious, and we fight for our brothers, our sons, our daughters, our wives, and our homes! We stand firm in the faith, on guard, courageous, and strong.  (ref Neh 4:14, 1 Cor 16:13-14)

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod protects me and Your staff guides me.  I can do all these things through You who gives me strength! AMEN!  (ref Psa 23:4, Phil 4:13)

I am a mighty warrior of God, the Alpha and the Omega! Jesus is my King, my Savior, and my friend! I have been adopted into His family, His army… and I am not alone. ”

Thanks to all our Collaborators

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

1st - We must thank God the Father, Jesus our King, and Holy Spirit our Guide without who this website would not exist.  All that we do is for Your glory and we are beyond honored to be a part of this new thing that You are doing.  

2nd - We thank all of the team members who have answered God's call to be a part of Awaken Warrior. They are a godly group of content creators and creatives including the following amazing professionals:  

3rd - We give double honor to the unsung heroes of the mission - the AMAZING spouses and family of the team members themselves.  None of this would have been possible without your support!

4th - We thank our pastoral leaders and friends who have offered up theological guidance, encouragement, and wisdom along the journey.  

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