This world may seem like an unfair playing field.  

Our lives often get messed-up.  Many feel defeated. 

The bad guys seem to win the day.  

Defeat.  Loss.  Pain.  Despair.  

What if you could see the Truth about reality that makes sense of everything?

… that an actual struggle of good vs evil wages around us unseen?
… and an invisible enemy tries to defeat us to spread darkness across the world?


Don’t give up.  Don’t sit on the sidelines.  Don’t be defeated. 

Be victorious, make a real difference, and fulfill your purpose!

Step up to the challenge. The stakes are more than life or death.Be transformed into an unbeatable force.

Your opposition doesn’t want you to see how he’s trying to write his own rules.  

He plays dirty.  He wants to break you or cripple you.He doesn’t want you fighting back as an individual or joining our team.

Let us show you the Truth.

Then how you respond is up to you.

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The Visible Battles

There are struggles we face every day

Some struggles turn into battles

and some battles grow to be giants.

The Invisible War

You know deep down there’s more to this world than you can see with your eyes.  Why is this world so beautiful at some moments and so unfair the next?

Once you see the bigger picture, you’ll start to see what’s really going on.  Once you understand that you’re in the middle of a supernatural war, it all makes sense.

Human tendencies toward selfishness, hatred, greed, and deceit create struggle enough on their own.  But then a real, hidden adversary pits us against each other. Some struggles escalate into battles. And some battles grow to be giants.

The good news is that you were born to slay giants.  There is a Captain calling you to join His team (a King calling you to join his army), a strategy to conquer the challenges of life, and an adversary that needs a beat down. 

“The Truth unlocked my Destiny.”

Andrew E. – Marana, AZ, USA

“I had no Idea I was even in a battle.”

Jon R. — Dallas, TX, USA

“i always longed for a fight... a cause greater than my own. little did i know i was already in it.”

Vanesa S. – Sonora, Mexico

“eye opening. life changing. all warriors need to see this.”

Clint H. – Tucson, AZ, USA

It's Time.

Ancient greek warriors would have called this a “kairos” moment.  An opportunity for a Competitor to choose a life-altering course of action. 

All of your life’s prior challenges, tests and trials, setbacks and victories, have prepared you for this call to victory.

We don’t believe in luck, or chance, or coincidence; and you shouldn’t either.

You were born for this.
To beat an adversary that thinks himself superior.

Watch the 7-Truths Video Series ➜

Pull back the veil of deception